Function PropertyPropTypePriceDisplay

Returns the property price and optionally status, type and bedrooms as a string for display.
The price that will be displayed depends on the status of the property.



1decimalrequiredn/aVALUEThe value to format (usually PRICEASK).
Note also this value may be ignored and PRICEORIG or PRICEOFFER may be used depending on the status value from the property
2integerrequiredn/aSOURCESource of data for pricing/status:
0 = From the table alias
1 = From the form object passed in the next parameter
2 = From a a table in the grid - the next parametrer is the Property Code
3string or objectoptionalalias()DATASOURCEThe data source either:
When SOURCE = 0 is an alias like "PROPERTY" or alias()
When SOURCE = 1 is a form object like Thisform
When SOURCE = 2 is a the property code value
4booleanoptional.F.ADDSTATUSAdd the property status to the price string, .T. = Display "For Sale @" and "To Rent @" etc
5booleanoptional.F.LINEBREAKAdd a line break between price, type and bedrooms


The formatted value as a string


To output a string like "For Sale @ £1,000,000 Detached 3 Bedroom"


To output a string like "SSTC @ £1,000,000 Detached 3 Bedroom" if the proeprty is SSTC


To output a string like
"For Sale @ £1,000,000
3 Bedroom"


To output a string like "For Sale @ £1,000,000"
