Function Variables

The following variables can be used directly in any output.

1oobjectThe "o" variable that allows data store and any variable on the fly{{o.set("count",1)}}
2date()dateTodays date.[[NiceDate(date())]]
3datetime()datetimeThe current date time.[[NiceDate(datetime())]] [[NiceTime(datetime())]]
4m.plOutputIsEmailBodybooleanGenerated output HTML is email body{{IF m.plOutputIsEmailBody}}
Do something ...
5m.mgRpdFromdateThe reporting start date.[[NiceDate(m.mgRpdFrom)]]
6m.mgRpdTodateThe reporting end date.[[NiceDate(m.mgRpdTo)]]
7m.pcfolderReportsstringThe reports windows path/folder.<img src="[[m.pcfolderReports]]\energy\carbon80\heading.gif" alt="" width="210" height="20">
8reccount()integerThe count of records in this output.[[reccount()]]
9recno()integerThe current record number in this output.[[recno()]]
10SIGNASBRANCH.fieldnamevariousReturns the BRANCH value where "fieldname" is the field name with the data from the current logged in branch.[[SIGNASBRANCH.EMAILADDR]]
11SIGNASUSER.fieldnamevariousReturns the SYSTEMLOGINS value where "fieldname" is the field name with the data from the current logged in user.[[SIGNASUSER.EMAILADDR]]